DLS Consulting

Update on Home Depot Management & Leadership Team

Thanks to all of you who offered feedback (mostly thankful) in regard to the information we shared with you about how the management and leadership team at Home Depot has turned its back on shareholders. It did bring up several other questions about how Christians should react to various problems such as this. Should it cause you to send letters to management; form picket lines outside the big orange buildings; or sell all your stock in disgust? This is not an easy question to handle even though these three choices are not exhausting the possibilities. However, it brings back many questions that relate to how we as investors and advisors choose to observe our Christian faith as it relates to our actions.

Last week at our annual NACFC conference, many people shared about their desire to get more serious about how they will use their position in the financial services community to influence others for Christ. I was privileged to say that just being with other members of the NACFC and sharing together is a spiritual high for me and I highly recommend the summer conference experience to all of you. A reminder that early February is also the next national conference for CFPN, and the speakers and fellowship there is wonderful. Check out both events on www.cfpn.org and www.nacfc.org

Today I am asking for all of you to put your thinking caps in place and give me some feedback about what YOU are doing as it relates to Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI). Some of you may not have any investments and others of you reading this are professional advisors and significant investors but I want to know two (2) things:

  1. Are you incorporating BRI practices in any way in your investing or your practice? If yes, then how are you doing it?

  2. If you are not yet doing anything with the concept of BRI, then what is that holds you back from incorporating BRI into what you are doing?

I have a selfish reason for getting your input along with many others as I believe the Lord is leading me to writing a book on this subject by being an independent observer of the people who are pioneering in this field. I will share more about this each week and hope you will pray for me in this endeavor. Thanks for all of your thoughts on this subject and God Bless you in all you are doing for the Kingdom!

Sent July 31, 2006

Please contact Dwight Short if you would like to receive future Monday Morning Messages.

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